Episode 16

ifaechi woke up the next morning to meet her mother in the parlour already set to leave

you’re early ooh
you couldn’t even wait for breakfast..” ify said
“you of all people should know i like traveling early
go and call tony and his father let me say goodbye..”

not fair ooh
” she said as she left
she knocked on tony’s door
he opened few seconds later..

he thought
she still looks this beautiful even when she just woke up

did you hear what i just said.”
“yes..what..what did you say..?” tony asked
“where was your mind
.i said mama is leaving now
she asked me to call you..”ify repeated
so early..??” he asked
“she likes travelling early
go and meet her..let me go and call father..” ify said
she went to his room and knocked severally
but did not get any response

“he must still be sleeping ” she thought and left
.she went back to the parlour
 “where is mr clifford” her mother asked
“he didn’t respond when i knocked on his door
i think he’s still asleep..” ify answered
.its unusual for father to still be asleep at this time
he must be really tired
safe journey
mama..greet the people in the village for me..”

“i will my son
take care of my only daughter for me ooh..” “i will mama..” he said putting his hands around her shoulder..
“nne bye bye..” they hugged and she left
.tony turned to ify..
“so wifey
what’s for breakfast..?”
“wifey kor
anything i prepare you’ll eat for now go and bath and brush your
teeth..your mouth smells..” ify teased
really..thats good
you’ll smell it too” he said breathing on ify’s face as she tried to run away from him

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at about past 11 ify was done preparing breakfast
she set the table and called them to come eat
she only saw tony on the table who was already opening the plates
“will you stop that
where is father..??” she asked..

“i thought you called him
.isn’t he coming..??”

“this is not normal
let me go and check again..”..ify knocked on his room but still did not get an answer..this turned the door
knob and it opened
she entered the room
are you still sleeping..??”
silence “father..??” she asked
she was scared now

“chineke meehee..” ify said opening his blanket
she saw him shivering
she felt his temperature
he was very hot

since i’ve been telling you to stop over working yourself you did not listen
stand up stand up biko..bia rie nri. (come and eat.)
so i’ll go and buy drugs for you” she
said trying to help him up..

“ani adighim..(i am sick)
a choro m dibia oyibo..(i need a doctor)..” replied weakly “so sickness has thought you how to
igbo ehn
i’ve heard you
but come and eat first..i’ll call the doctor..”

tony was shocked when he saw ify helping his father to the dinning table..

what is wrong with you..??”
“he is sick ooh
” ify responded
“i’ve told you times without number to stop over working your self you won’t listen..you’re
such a stubborn old man..”

so you’ve been telling him too..?,.ify said
“will the both of you stop scolding me and call the doctor..??”

donald sat on his bed sipping garri
that was what he had resulted to since his rich
girlfriend broke up with him
leaving him with
he was on facebook looking for the next rich girl he would hook up with
suddenly his door flung open and someone rushed in

“ooohh God
how many times will i tell you to stop coming into my house like
do you want to give me heart attack..?”
sorry but dude..the news i come with called for it..” johnson said
“and what news is that..?” donald
johnson dropped the news paper he was carrying in front of donald
his mouth fell open

“is that not ifaechi
the girl you dumped because you said she was not on your level..?”
“it is her ooh
my God
she is now married to the famous anthony
wooow..” he exclaimed “what will you do now
this girl don dae baff money ooh..”johnson said “meehhnnn
see how
beautiful she looks
.i think i just found my next babe.” “next what
you think say she go look your face after the way
you take humiliate and break up with her..??”
johnson asked “you’re talking like you don’t know me again
.i have my ways
i’ll be swimming in money soon..trust me..”
donald said smiling

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