Episode 18

Some minutes later, they found some quiet place at some lodge just before getting into Lusaka and sat down besides the swimming pool as they went on their little chats.
“So, what is going on with your mom? You mentioned something about your real parents on the phone last time. So what was that about?” Jack asked after drinking some lemon juice and placing back the glass on the tray they were saved on.
“Yeah that, it’s a long story Jack, can you imagine I found out my real mother threw me away when I was just born, can you believe a mother would do that to their child? Who does that? Throw away a newly born baby minutes after giving birth?” she shook her head feeling angry.

“But wait Grace, this story is not adding up. You say your biological mother threw you away huh? But how did your mother, I mean the one you know as your mother all this while, how did she know your real mother?” he asked wondering.
“Well, she said something like, my mother went back to claim me a few years later”
“Okey?” Jack asked not understanding.
“What do you mean okey Jack? I don’t know what happened later, my mother only told me that, I guess she was not serious with having me at all. I was never what she wanted probably and just decided to toss me away and move on with her d–n life who cares” Grace snapped her voice emotional Jack could see the subject affect her somehow.

“Grace, you are just making an assumption right? Look, I don’t know much besides what you have told me but it’s not right that you judge your so-called mother without hearing the entire story. How do you know maybe there is something else your parents didn’t tell you” he remarked shrugging casually.
“Jack honestly I don’t even know why I brought this up, but I feel it’s not something I want to talk about. I love my life the way it is and mom is right, I don’t need them in my life. I got all I need you know” she frowned.
“If you ask me, what we never really talk about is what gets to us the most my baby. You got to open up you know. Tell me the truth, have you never thought of meeting your mother, well get to know the entire truth maybe?” Jack asked

“Nope, and I don’t think I will ever think of that” she shook her head drinking some of the contents from her glass.

“Please enough of this and what was that you called me?” she asked smiling as she looked at his face.

“What?” he made a face looking at her.
“Did you just call me.. B..”
“Baby, yeah I did” Jack smiled cutting her before she could finish her sentence.
“You are my baby Grace you know I love you. I want us to start something and go beyond this friendship thing, I made my intentions clear from the beginning so..”
“I love you too” she quickly responded before he could explain himself further.
“Wow! Finally, thanks baby” he smiled pulling her neck closer he kissed her softly. The kiss that was meant to last a couple of seconds went into some minutes a voice of someone clearing their throat broke them apart they smiled before looking up at a guy with a tray of their food.

“Am sorry, I brought your order” the guy spoke calmly placing down the food besides them

“You taste like lemons” Grace teased the moment the attendant left and they both laughed loudly.

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