Episode 32

“we are going to be fine son, you will see all this will soon be over and Grace is coming back home” Diana spoke but mostly to herself as her boy had closed his eyes and faked to be sleeping.

Jena walked out of the Judges Office replaying their conversation she had with him.
“I never wanted this you know, but Diana has forced my hand, how can she run away again? I am not sure what happened your honor but the number that Diana’s son gave us to call Grace on has not been going through, so far. We are suspecting she had told something to Grace and made her change her number or something. Now I want her in court so that she can be judged for her crimes” Jena told the judge with a tone of sadness

“Well, the story you have told me is so serious and what the woman you are talking about did is quiet a crime, she will probably get a lot of years in prison for that. But if you have made up your mind, bring this case on” the judge nodded at her.

“I never wanted this Diana, but you have pushed my hand” Jena whispered to herself as she got to the car and drove out the parking lot. She was going to meet up with her husband in town and hoped the results of his search were successful.

She had tried to call Jack and find out what he knew about Grace but yet again Jack shut her down and never wanted to help her.
“Mam, am sorry about whatever it is going on with you but believe me, my girlfriend has nothing to do with your husband” Jack had told her and hang up the call before she could get anything out of him.

Unknown to them, Jack and Grace had the theory that Jena was out to avenge her husband’s infidelity and so they never wanted to let her in on where Grace was. Jack had a meeting with Grace’s mother before she left and it was then that the two had told her about some visitor who wanted to confront Grace for some husband and wife issues. Till Diana found out Ben and Jena were on her, she quickly connected the dots knowing it was not what Jack and Grace knew but made sure they both were not aware of that fact.

“Make sure you never tell that woman about my daughter Jack, she has to concentrate on her studies and I don’t want any drama to disturb her. Can you make sure they never get to Grace?” Diana had asked Jack who with the intention of wanting to please the mother to his girlfriend, upheld the promise and completely blocked out Jena making it hard for her to find out anything about Grace.
“I will not do that mother, trust me, I want the same thing for my lady.” he had promised and so the past year and some months it was still a hidden fact for both Grace and Jack on who truly was looking for her.

Jena drove in to the restaurant where her husband was waiting for her, she was hurrying to find where he sat when a familiar face stopped in front of her and clicked her tongue in disgust, Jena smiled widely at her making her look like a fool.

“What a clown” Chipo made her face at her.
“well, am sorry Chipo, I am a real person unlike you who cries and drags someone’s husband to court just to get their attention. Ben Is mine and you can go ahead and scheme whatever you want to get him away but that will never happen. I won this love battle years ago and again and again, I will still win, you know why?” Jena moved closer to her and looked up her heavily made up face and smiled

“because it’s me he loves Chipo, even when he made that mistake and came to you, all he had in his mind and heart was me, he might have given you his body a couple of times I don’t care because I know my husband’s whole being is what I have” she added and that made Chipo look down and she got furious.

“You are so pathetic, the fact that you had to be a lawyer defending your husband made you even a fool” Chipo raised her face at Jena.

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